I am René Beunk. In 1989, I worked as a volunteer in Gyumri after the major earthquake, and since then, the country has never let me go. After nearly 40 years as a German teacher in secondary education, it was time for a new challenge: promoting the Technasium concept, based on the Dutch model, in Armenia. Since 2022, we have been working with the approval of the Armenian Ministry of Education to implement the Technasium concept in secondary schools and VETs (vocational education and training). My accreditation as a Technasium teacher for Armenia by the Technasium Foundation has been extremely helpful in opening doors in Armenia.

I am Hannie Boevink. I was introduced to the Alvan Tsarik Foundation through René and Servaas Beunk. I first visited Armenia in 2013 and returned for the second time in 2023. I am a speech therapist by profession, and I currently work mainly with adults. I enjoy sharing my knowledge about breathing, voice, swallowing, and communication with others. Therefore, it was a great pleasure for me to be able to talk about my profession during various meetings in Armenia in 2023 for the Alvan Tsarik Foundation. Who knows, there may be more to come in the future.

I am Jean Paul Vossers. I came into contact with René a few years ago. René organized trips to Armenia for Technasium students from Candea College. My son was part of that group. In the early years, I provided ICT equipment from my company on several occasions. In 2023, René asked me to take on some board duties and to act as a sounding board for the projects initiated by the Alvan Tsarik Foundation. My background as an entrepreneur is helpful here. It is very rewarding to brainstorm together about how to approach the projects and see how we continue to take steps forward each time!

general member
I am Servaas Beunk. When René started collecting books for Armenia years ago, it seemed quite logical for me to help him. Together, we founded the foundation. For me, working for Alvan Tsarik is a natural extension of my studies (Social Geography, information on the Third World), and I also see it as an enrichment of my work as a trainer for teams and works councils. It is ‘Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship,’ where the profit is not measured in money.

general member
I am Annie Bodde. I have been connected to Armenia since the year 2000. First with the Zatik orphanage in Yerevan, later with Gyumri. At the orphanage, it was shocking to see the children all using the same toothbrush. Many of my Armenian contacts (from farmers to deputy ministers) have been invited to the Netherlands to explore further in their field. As a former farmer, I am involved in the foundation with agricultural projects.